Track time on the fly with the stopwatch

Reading time: 2 minutes
Filters allow you to customise your time report
The stopwatch is accessible from your dashboard.

In Jikan, you will find the stopwatch in your dashboard. The stopwatch allows you to start a timer and to stop it once you are done.

Let's list the advantages & caveats:


1: No need to remember when you've started

Usually, when logging the time worked after you’ve finished requires that you remember (by making a note somewhere for example) what time you started. When you use the stopwatch feature, it automatically records when you started working.

2: No calculation needed

Once you are done, there is no need to calculate the time difference from when you started and when you stopped.

3: No need to keep Jikan open

When you have switched on the stopwatch, Jikan doesn’t need to remain open in order to keep the count working. At your next login, you'll see the stopwatch still running.

4: Quick to launch

From experience we know that many users of the stopwatch are often people in a rush. So, this feature avoids them having to provide such information of when they started and stopped/finished. When you want to start the stopwatch:

  • You only need to fill in a note of what you are doing (3 characters minimum) nothing else. Later you could add it the project, task or block if needed.
  • The live stopwatch recording is accessible right from the dashboard, just after you login.


Forgot to stop the stopwatch

If it is easy to launch the stopwatch, it’s also easy to forget to stop it. So, when you realise you have forgotten to stop it, you might end up with a time recorded much for much longer than what you actually worked.

That's why on Jikan, any live stopwatch recording is first saved as a draft whereby you can still amend or correct the duration before posting it. This draft is visible only to you, and no one else. You obviously don’t want your client to see a ridiculous number of hours for a simple task, as this would affect your credibility.

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