Time reporting
made easy

Jikan is an app that enables you to track time on projects and build detailed reports.

Report time worked easily.


Share your time logs report with your clients without needing to login.

Free collaboration

Invite team members on each project for free.


Build detailed time report.

Free archive

Pay only for active projects and archive an unlimited number of projects for free.

Enhanced timelogs

Add your timelogs easily on your projects.


Time logs can be attached to a task, to a block or to a project only. Attach time logs to any task, block, tag, or project


Attach comments on time logs. How comments on time log can streamline time tracking.


Group timelogs the way you want with tags. Exploring the benefits of Jikan's tagging feature


You see all time logs according to your current time zone. This is practical if team members are in different timezones. Time zones: A solution for global teams


Use our stopwatch to track live how much time you’ve been working. Track time on the fly with the stopwatch

Quick draft

Sometimes you may want to quickly log time worked but publish it later. Time log drafts can help those in a rush

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Group time logs easily

You can group time logs how you wish by using "blocks".

Set a limit

Each block could have a maximum time allowed. For example, a block could represent a 10 hour package. Do not overwork by using the maximum time allowed on blocks

Set an expiry date

Each block could have an expiry date. For example, a block could represent an hourly package valid for 1 month. Time management with Jikan's block expiry feature

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Fine-grained time report

You can build detailled time report based on blocks, tags, participants, periods and tasks.

Share time reports

Share your time logs report with anyone (ie. clients) without needing to login. Sharing time reports easily

Powerful Filters

Filter timelogs per team members, blocks, tags or periods. How to build fine grained time report

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Task driven

Divide your projects into tasks and log time on each task.

Task Assignee

Assign tasks to participant. Streamline Team Workflow with Task Assignment


Group tasks the way you want with tags.

Prioritizing tasks

Drag & drop tasks according to your project priorities.

Task budget

Set a time budget per task.


Attach multiple comments per task.

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Free collaboration

Invite team members to collaborate on each project for free.

Real Time

Changes made by other team members are immediately reflected. No surprises when the page is reloaded.

Permissions ready

Define each participant permissions per project.

Flexible projects

You can disable the features that you won’t be using for different projects.

Projects duplication

You can easily duplicate projects. This can be very handy if you need project templates.

Export to excel

You can export your project task, time logs & time blocks into Excel (csv).

Transfer ownership

You can transfer the ownership of any of your project to one of its participant.

Download & Import

You could download a backup of your project, then import it at a later stage.

Free archives

Archive an unlimited number of projects for free. Pay only for active projects.

Files management

On each project, participants can upload files.

Permission ready

You can decide who can add and deletes files. All project's user can download files

No file type restrictions

You can upload any file type of file.

Fabien Coutret profile picture of his testimony

As a freelancer, the block feature allows my clients to track easily how each hour invoiced was used.

David Gaillard profile picture of his testimony

Definitely the most cost effective solution to share time worked with my clients. I can keep all completed projects for free forever!

Leon vismer profile picture of his testimony

With jikan, my clients can track progress of the projects they have hired me for, and are comforted by seeing professionnal-looking and transparent reports.


To be able to keep track, manage and measure the input of each collaborators on a project on one single platform was the number one reason we chose Jikan.

Free forever

Free Plan

$ 0
1 active projects forever
Time logs
Time blocks
Real time
Permission ready
Public link sharing
Time budget
Time log draft
Timezone ready
Project duplication
Project backups
Excel export
Files management
Unlimited archived projects
And many more ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Jikan really free?

Yes, the first plan is USD 0.00 forever and it will not change. This free plan includes all the features of Jikan for 1 active project. However on the free plan, you can not invite participants to your project. The free plan allows you to have one active project at a time, you could therefore have an unlimited amount of archived projects.

What does Jikan means?

Jikan means "Time" in Japanese. All of our products try to follow the Japanese theme because we are the Samurai Web Experts.