Time log drafts can help those in a rush

Reading time: 2 minutes
Sometimes you may want to log time worked but want to publish it later.
All drafts will be visible from your dashboard.

When it comes to tracking time, speed and accuracy are crucial for productivity. However, it can be challenging to keep track of every detail, especially when working on multiple projects. Additionally, some users may prefer to keep certain time logs private until they are ready to share them. That's where Jikan.app's time log draft feature comes in handy.

The Issue

Traditional time tracking methods can be time-consuming, as users have to navigate through various menus and select specific projects, blocks, or tasks before logging their time. This can be a tedious process, especially for users who are in a rush or have to log multiple time entries in a short time frame.

The Solution

With Jikan.app's time log draft feature, users can quickly type in a note and duration without having to select any specific project, block, or task. This saves time and allows users to log their time with ease. Additionally, draft logs will not appear in any time report until the user decides to publish them. This feature ensures privacy and allows users to keep their time logs hidden until they are ready to share them.


###Much quicker Jikan.app's time log draft feature is much quicker for users who are in a rush or have to log multiple time entries in a short time frame. Users can simply type in a note and duration and save it as a draft, without having to select any specific project, block, or task.


Draft logs will not appear in any time report until the user decides to publish them. This feature ensures privacy and allows users to keep their time logs hidden until they are ready to share them. This is especially helpful for users who may not be ready to share their time logs with their clients or managers.


Jikan.app's time log draft feature is an excellent way to boost productivity and privacy for users who need to track their time quickly and efficiently. With this feature, users can save time by quickly typing in their time entries, and keep their time logs private until they are ready to share them.

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